Crimson Text

Font Weight

Crimson Text regular

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

Crimson Text italics

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

Crimson Text bold

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

Letter spacing

letter-spacing: normal;

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

Letter spacing: 3px

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

Letter spacing: -0.7px

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

Text decoration

text decoration: none;

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

text decoration: underline;

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

text decoration: overline;

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

text decoration: line through;

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

text decoration: All at once;

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

Text Transformation

text transformation: none;

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

text transformation: capitalize;

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

text transformation: uppercase;

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)

text transformation: lowercase;

How frightened little Thumbelina was when the May bug carried her up in the tree. (Hans Christian Andersen)